About 2020-01-30T00:26:57+00:00

Personality to Purpose

We want to help millions of people connect their personality to their purpose. We want to shine a light on your highest potential and help you live the life you were born to live. Our life’s work is to help you discover yours.

Personality to Purpose

We want to help millions of people connect their personality to their purpose. We want to shine a light on your highest potential and help you live the life you were born to live. Our life’s work is to help you discover yours.


AlityLife assessments are based on the PhD research of Dr. Ali Walker in social psychology and sociology:

AlityConnect builds from the Introversion/Extraversion trait in Big 5 personality theory to measure your preference for frequency and intensity of human interaction. These measurements are used to then identify your ideal role in relationships and teams, and as a leader.

Your frequency score measures how often you like to be in the company of other people. The highest frequency score (100) means that you seek out human connection (face-to-face, over the phone etc.) as often as possible, while the lowest frequency (-100) means that your connection needs are met by non-human sources e.g. animals, nature, gardening, puzzles, crosswords, musical instruments, music, television, or tech devices.

Your intensity score measures how you like to experience connection. Intensity is measured by the following elements:

  • The topics you prefer discussing: low intensity types prefer public, impersonal topics such as the weather, sport, humour and day-to-day events, while high intensity types prefer to discuss more personal topics such as emotional challenges, relationships, new ideas and vulnerability.
  • The activities you like to engage in: low intensity types connect by being together and high intensity types connect by talking and sharing an emotional, verbal connection.
  • How long it takes to get to know you: low intensity types are generally reserved and can take years to get to know, while the highest intensity types are open books who can feel connected to others after only an hour of conversation. Your scores for these dimensions of human connection are converted into a human connection type by our algorithm. Your human connection type determines how you like to connect with others, how you lead and how you respond to vulnerability.

AlityMotivate assesses what inspires you internally (drivers) and externally (rewards). This is a direct application of the seminal research in psychology on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.

In AlityMotivate, intrinsic motivators are measured by anticipatory feelings (future) versus current feelings (now). Extrinsic motivators are measured by a spectrum of rewards, from one extreme of tangible rewards to the other extreme of psychological rewards.  Your scores for intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are converted into your primary and secondary motivation types by our algorithm. You will receive scores for:

  1.  Financial security/power
  2.  Influence/inspiration
  3.  Belonging/love
  4.  Fun/abundance.

A low score (1-33) for one of these categories indicates that you engage in it because you feel compelled to do so, whereas a high score (67-100) indicates that engaging in that activity is part of who you are and is aligned with your values. According to the model, we feel stressed and disengaged when we are prevented from realising our primary motivation. This model gives us the key to our life purpose.


Dr Ali Walker created AlityLife after years of extensive research in group behaviour, human connection and culture. Ali completed a PhD at the Australian National University and is a lecturer in leadership and leading change at UNSW Sydney. She is the author of two books.

Learn more about Ali on her website or watch her TEDx talk about the model below.

Discover your type